Behind the Scenes – New Display for Jar Mugs

We’ve been getting ready for summer vending and spending some time making our pop-up shop more functional. The Jar Mugs had become a challenge to display properly, and harder yet to store and carry safely. It was time for a creative solution.

I had a couple of these old suitcases around that I’ve always loved. They would be perfect for packing and carrying merchandise – and with a fun rainy day project, they became displays!

I started by creating a mock-up in scrap cardboard.

Some peg board that I had left over from another project…

and a simple, collapsible shelf was made to the dimensions of the suitcase.

The shelf pieces fit under the Jar Mugs for “Travel Mode.”

Each suitcase can hold a good amount of Jar Mugs.

The shelf, then stands up inside the suitcase for vending…

And the Jar Mugs can be displayed in tiers to allows them to be much more visible.